Vitamins for hair growth and its benefits

Hair – an essential element in our look. If he does not look the way you want or does not grow enough to please you, it’s time to take some vitamins. Let’s see which are the benefits of vitamins for hair growth.

About hair and what you should take to increase it, we have talked, but now we talk about their benefits over hair and not only.

VITAMINS FOR HAIR GROWTHIn the first place, before you start taking vitamins, you need to know, and at what stage is your hair. If it looks degraded and needs regeneration, if it lacks and it lacks in volume or if it needs further improvements. For the most common problem, there are vitamins for hair growth: Vitamin A, all vitamins B, C, E, zinc, or iron.

In the second place, you can combine one of the vitamins, or more, with essential oils. Essential oils such as castor oil, argan, or cypress oil are great for hair growth. Essential oils, along with vitamins, help to increase hair and make it more than you think. Indeed, improving and changing the look of hair does not occur overnight. Haircare and treatment need plenty of time.

On the other hand, if you just want to keep it in the look it has, when your hair is already healthy, some extra vitamins will not hurt it. But even so, the oil would make it look even better.

Vitamins already listed above include biotin. Known as vitamin H (hair), B7, and B8, its benefits are many. Most often used for hair, nails, and skin. Generally, for things that need to grow. One thing you may not know is that it also helps to prevent the occurrence of white hair.

Benefits of Biotin for Hair:

  • Prevents hair loss.
  • Prevents balding.
  • Helps faster hair growth.
  • Strengthens hair.
  • Delay the occurrence of white hair.
  • Psychological functions stay in normal functioning.
  • The nervous system improves.

You probably think about why we included the nervous system if we just talked about hair. The nervous system plays a significant role in the growth and regeneration of the hair. Why do I say this? A significant cause of hair loss and the occurrence of white hair is, of course, stress. Insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, the nervous system are into a continuous circle, vicious.

These are ways to high or low appetite, where unhealthy foods appear and their consumption to hair loss. From some deficiencies, for example, iron or magnesium, hair loss starts. We already know that iron strengthens the hair follicle, and iron deficiency results in hair damage. Even more, the weaknesses of two or more vitamins destroy the nervous system but also the hair.

All of this is somehow built as a circuit if the nervous system works well, so will the other functions. If you want them to work correctly, I suggest you take vitamins for hair growth, like Biotin or Vitamin E.

Foods that contain vitamin B7: peas, broccoli, beans, avocados, walnuts, mushrooms, salmon, raspberries, spinach, egg yolks, pork, potatoes, cheese, oats, milk or soybeans.

Vitamin E – a hair booster. In pure form, in hair treatments, masks, shampoos, or combined with essential oils, vitamin E improves hair. Above all, your hair health is one thing you should worry about most. The appearance of the hair says a lot and especially about the state of the body, and proper functioning of the body means a good condition of the hair.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Hair:

  • Protects your hair from sunlight.
  • Prevents hair loss.
  • Improves the scalp.
  • It helps hair growth along with other vitamins or oils.
  • It’s antioxidant.
  • Reduces hair electrification.
  • Prevents peaks degradation.

Vitamin E has many properties, including the antioxidant. It helps combat stress by regularly consuming various foods that contain them. The process of aging hair is also delayed by vitamin E. Together with biotin, and vitamin E also helps to prevent hair whitening.

Even more, vitamin E increases blood circulation in some parts of the body, including the scalp. Cholesterol contributes to the health of the scalp, and if it is high, blood circulation is low on that side. Vitamin is fighting this process, the scalp becoming healthier.

Peaks degradation is a pretty annoying factor, especially if your hair has a light color. By eating vitamin E, this improves. If you cut the dry and split peaks and then apply a vitamin E oil, your look changes radically.

Foods that contain vitamin E: almonds, spinach, papaya, mustard, sunflower seeds, olives, kiwi, red bell pepper, tomatoes, broccoli, eggs, tuna, peanuts, blueberries or Brussels sprouts.

To put it another way, I have mentioned in this article that these vitamins for hair growth are very good in combination with essential oils. I chose an essential oil such as castor oil to show you, its benefits for hair. This oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, rich in unsaturated fatty acids; it strengthens the scalp and helps to increase hair growth. You can use hot or cold castor oil.

Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair:

  • Stimulates fast hair thickening.
  • Hair doesn’t get thin.
  • Stop hair loss.
  • Moisturize hair and scalp.
  • Split peaks are no longer a problem.
  • Prevents dandruff.

Castor oil has properties that ensure healthy hair and nails. Use it in hair masks or nails, and you will definitely be happy with his action.

As I said above, even though your hair looks fantastic, it’s always a good idea to try some vitamins for hair growth. Biotin, vitamin E or castor oil cannot do anything wrong for your hair, but on the contrary, your hair will look even better.

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