Top 6 Asana Yoga Poses

Asana yoga is known as “body language,” is to keep up a pose in a comfortable way for a more extended period.

For a start, we need to know that yoga has existed for thousands of years, and its positions have developed over time. In the second century BC, Patanjali wrote the “Yoga Sutra” treaty. This treaty is a collection of aphorisms that primarily practice yoga. The philosopher, linguist, and mathematician, Indian Patanjali initially refers to asanas as merely the posture of meditation. Physical posts, from Patanjali’s perspective, are “Vyayam Yoga.” Even so, in this century, the name of more complicated postures is asanas.

Top 6 Asana Yoga Poses

What’s more, many asanas imitate the movements and positions of the animals, later named after them. The pose of the rabbit, cat, tiger, or deer was taken over by humans. Speaking about this, people’s posts, similar to those of animals, help relax the body and remember. These posts have not been accidentally overlapped. Animals have instincts poses, but also in movements that make them relax or meditate. Just like animals, people have to relax their minds, but also the body.

If you do not think it sounds logical what you read, let’s resume. For example, the cat’s pose is useful for the total stretching of the body and spine. The cobra stretch is for releasing tension and emotions and the rabbit for relaxation. Not by chance, we chose these positions, but because their name is “Asanas Royal.” This name comes from the fact that it is quite challenging to do right, and the body stretch is correctly aligned, are like “supreme positions.” Asana yoga has a lot of benefits on the body. The exercises you are doing are psychosomatic, and they balance the nervous system, and the mood improves. The cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, joints, and muscles are also enhanced when you start practicing yoga.

To change the topic a bit, some people think asanas and gymnastics are somewhat the same things. In fact, there is a massive difference between these two. Asanas are slow positions that help you concentrate mentally and understand the movement you are doing. If we talk about the number of exercises, the asanas focus on the rightness of the action, not the multitude.

The difference between gymnastics and asanas is that asanas are on the principle of “quality, not quantity.” By practicing asana yoga, the body harmonizes and with it, the mind too. Another big difference between these two is that after practicing an asana, you are not tired or exhausted. While practicing gymnastics makes the body more and more tired, the asanas relax, rest and energize the body.

To get back to the point, in the next few rows, we have some yoga asanas that you can practice.

  1. Kakasana (Crow Pose).

An asana that involves a balance of hands and inversion. It is among the most popular yoga positions. This asana you can practice in nature, at home, or yoga classes. Starting from the state in your hands, you squeeze the body. The hands are at an angle of 90 degrees, and the knees are at armpits and the soles raised from the ground. All bodyweight is held in the hands. Named also the pose of the crow, this asana confers confidence and mental stability.


  1. Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand).

The upside down posture of your body connects the nervous system and moves the non-oxygenated blood back to the heart. By practicing this pose, the three times unite: the past, the present, and the future, transforming into a single period. Lying on the back, raise the legs and trunk until gets perpendicular to the ground. The weight of the hips focuses on the shoulders, then on the triceps. If you feel pressure on your head or neck, then the exercise is not done correctly.


  1. Utkatasana (Chair Pose).

An asana position that helps you lose weight and tone your leg muscles. Starting from the half squat poses stretches the hands overhead, and holds this pose for 30 seconds. While practicing this position, you must see your feet in front of your knees. Otherwise, the exercise is wrongly executed. While your thighs are almost parallel with the floor, try to avoid arching your back.

  1. Chakrasana (Wheel Position).

Just as the name calls it, this pose activates the chakra. By performing this exercise, the body meditates and releases. Saves energy flows through limb position. In a like manner, Bridge Pose, sit on your back and get up from the ground by supporting your hands and soles. While doing this exercise, the palms are in front of us, not at the back, as well as at the bridge pose. Roll up the column as much as you can, forming a wheel. The bridge must touch the ground so you can lift it.


  1. Natarajasana (Lord of the dance).

This asana yoga is part of the group of positions that helps you lose weight. A perfect exercise for beginners, this enables you to relax mentally and physically. Stand up, then grab your left foot ankle with your left hand. Tilt in front, but not until the ground. As a final point, stretch your hand right in front, and the weight of your body rests on your right knee. Maintain this pose for 30 seconds, then repeat with the opposite foot.

Parivrtta Anjaneyasana

  1. Parivrtta Anjaneyasana (Revolved lunge).

It is not so difficult, as is its name. From standing, stretch left leg in front of the right. While your right foot stretch to the maximum, your left foot is bent. Support the bodyweight on your left knee and turn your trunk to the left. Put together the palms and put the right elbow on the outside of the left knee. Press the hands into each other. Maintain this position for six cycles of breathing.

On the whole, all you have to do is take care of your body. Although asana yoga is a little complex, the results of exercises are like expectations. Eventually, you can start with a few more essential tasks, then increase the level of difficulty.


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