Ones of the best hair growth vitamins! The hair is an essential aspect, both in countenance and for your own body. We need to know more about hair: when we need to wash it, how to dry it, hair growth vitamins, when to cut, what kinds of shampoos it needs, what it needs to grow, how long it will grow, etc.
First of all, we will talk about the time and phases of hair growth. It has three stages that go through life:
- Anagen
- Catagen
- Telogen
All this happens over a specified period. The first period, Anagen, is 2, up to 8 years old. This phase represents hair growth. Followed by the degradation phase, Catagen, which lasts for ten days, and the last is Telogen indicating the resting stage. During the rest period, the hair does not grow- 100 days. For all these phases, hair growth vitamins are essential.
Secondly, I think the next important thing is the period between washing. This period is significant for the length of the hair in particular, not for the root. Most people choose to wash their hair for six days, usually every two days. For this reason, your hair looks burning and unhealthy, even if you wash it often. Hair has a period of self-cleansing, with the sebum removed from the scalp, so we have to leave it unwashed for as long as possible. It is worth mentioning that sebum extends all over hair to peaks, and it will gain an oily appearance. The period indicated by hairdressers to wash hair is at least one week.
Thirdly, we’ll bring into discussion his drying. Regardless of gender, women or men, drying it with the hairdryer is an enemy. Artificial heat destroys hair! Hair drying is better in a dry towel, changed to a few hours until the hair dries completely. Anyway, you will need a hair dryer sometimes, but even so, try to use it as little as you can. It’s drying by artificial heat can make it unhealthy, and the peaks will split.
To summarize what I said above, care products, a pre-set period for cutting it, or what it needs to grow, require time and hair growth vitamins. Hair growth vitamins are beneficial, especially if your hair is degrading. Their use is in the form of pills, oils, or combined other elements. Above all, hair growth vitamins can also be taken from the various foods that contain them. Magnesium, zinc, biotin, and other vitamins that help hair growth, we will speak in the following rows.
About hair and what damages it and how much care we need to have of it, we can talk for days. In this article, we will focus only on hair growth vitamins.
Read the whole article, and in the end, you will get a bonus: an effective mask for hair growth with only natural ingredients! To get back to the point, hair growth vitamins are essential in maintaining hair and developing it. In this article, we find ones of the best hair growth vitamins.
Magnesium is essential for our body. This vitamin keeps the body healthy, helps to increase hair, acts on the nervous system, but also the immune system. Deficiency of this vitamin can cause more illnesses such as anxiety, fattening, weakening of the immune system, or heart problems. Magnesium acts in the root of the hair and contains proteins. The nervous system is attacked by the lack of magnesium, implicitly causing stress, and hair will fall. Magnesium is assimilating from bananas and kiwi.
Biotin is indispensable for the growth of hair or nails. Even more, biotin can help problems such as those with the thyroid gland. This vitamin is a type B, which you can assimilate from eggs, cheese, or raspberries. By biotin, the body will produce amino acids, which play an essential role in keratin generation.
When we talk about ones of the best hair growth vitamins, iron is among the first. Iron deficiency is common, and most people have problems with hair loss. This vitamin helps produce hemoglobin that needs your hair. Iron exists in foods like red meat or green leaves.
Not many people realize that zinc is a vitamin without which hair will not grow. Besides hair, they have nails, if you have a zinc deficiency. Hair growth vitamins include zinc, a vitamin that is assimilating from chicken, but also vegetables such as mushrooms or spinach. All people who experience hair loss problems also lack zinc or one of the vitamins listed above.
Vitamin E
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Vitamin E are an excellent ally in hair growth. Vitamin E acts on the scalp, and it can regulate hormones because hormones also have an essential role in hair growth or degradation. Vitamin E exists in broccoli or spinach. When you have enough vitamin E in your body, your hair will be much more hydrated
Best hair growth vitamins are the ones above, but you can try to feed your hair with different oils. Castor oil, argan oil, or almond oil have a unique effect on hair. If you take care that all the above vitamins are in your body, besides, I suggest that you also improve it with oils. When you take care of your hair and use oils, it may look heavy with so many remedies, but do not give up!
As I said above, a bonus at the end of the article will be natural hair. Subscribe with your e-mail, and you will receive a recipe!