The first impression counts! So is the next, and the face is the first thing that stands out. We have top 11 remedies for scabs on scalp.
First of all, you need to take care of your head and health. Sometimes the scabs on the scalp are embarrassing and annoying. Besides having a bad look, they can affect your hair a lot. The scabs on the scalp often rely on skin regeneration. Just as the skin breaks off when you’ve sat too long in the sun. This thing is happening to everyone. These are more difficult for some people, and for others, it is almost invisible.
Second, many people wrongly believe that this prevents poor hygiene. They think that health is not done correctly, hair washes too often or rarely. As I have said above, scabs on the scalp are due to the recovery of the scalp. On the other hand, these scabs are sometimes related to diseases. Wrong. Scabs and dandruff have a cure, and often you can do it at home. It is also based on narrative ingredients. If the problem persists, go to a dermatologist, and it will guide you on what to do.
On the other hand, a reason for this is also a blow. A sharp kick and bad bandage can cause your scabs. A cosmetic procedure like hair transplantation may involve scabs on the scalp. Also, an incorrect diet can cause them. Another reason you have scabs on the scalp is also the inadequate hydration of the scalp. Speaking about this, the first step you need to do is eat foods with a detoxifying effect. These include fish, cabbage, spinach, or walnuts.
Top 11 Remedies for scabs on the scalp:
Castor oil mixed with vitamin A. We have a great article about vitamins for hair growth here.
These ingredients are found in the pharmacy, sometimes in supermarkets. Mix them in equal amounts in a bowl. Tap the scalp with the resulting mixture and let it work from 10 minutes. Even more, you can let it act even a few hours for a better result. The result is apparent after about four treatments of this type.
Warm compress.
Hot compresses will help you get rid of this problem with the scabs. Put hot water in a bowl and soak a towel. Wet the towel completely. Boiled water is necessary because when you squeeze the sheet, it remains warm. Wrap the towel around your head and let it work for 15 minutes. After this procedure combs your hair, then you will see the instant result.
Yogurt massage.
Once a week, you can do this treatment. Massage scalp with plain yogurt leaves the yogurt to act for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse with water as cold as possible. An alternative to water is the infusion of rosemary or thyme.
Hot oil.
We already know that oils are perfect for hair, and warm ones are beneficial to the scalp. Essential oils are full of nutrients and fats that deeply hydrate the scalp. You can choose more oils, even the castor that I was talking about above. In the same way, there is also the olive, which is found in all the kitchens. Another oil that will make you very good is coconut oil.
Lemon and olive oil.
You need a fresh lemon and extra virgin olive oil. Add in a bowl three tablespoons of olive oil along with lemon juice. Mix until you get a homogeneous mix. Apply this mask to the scalp and massage with circular movements. Let the mask act for 30 minutes. This mixture prevents scabs and dandruff.
Tea Tree Oil.
This remedy is perfect for moisturizing hair. It deepens the skin of the head and has anti-inflammatory properties. Another benefit is that it soothes the irritated skin.
Apple vinegar.
By contrast, apple vinegar is a benefit for scabs on the scalp. After washing your hair and rinsing, apply half a cup of vinegar on your hair. In vinegar, add two aspirin pills, which you will chop. Let the mix act for 5 minutes, then rinse. Do not delay the time because it may cause you burns.
Aloe Vera.
Aloe vera no longer needs a presentation. It is rich in nutrients and cares for both your hair and skin. Cut it into several pieces and apply the gel to the scalp. Do not mix it with anything else. Let the gel work for about an hour, then wash with a mild shampoo. After applying the gel, massage the scalp with circular movements.
Original Listerine.
This remedy is excellent because of the alcohol content. Original Listerine alcohol is ideal for eliminating fungal infections. Apply Listerine on a cotton ball and apply it through taping movements on the scalp. Let it act for a few minutes, then rinse. This benefit only works with Original Listerine.
Infusion of walnut leaves.
Put the walnut leaves to dry, then chase them. Boil the leaves and leave them covered for 10 minutes. Rinse hair with this mixture after you have washed it usually. This treatment will give you the shine of the nose, but also the hydration of the scalp.
Indian Lilac.
For this remedy, there is not needed a cause of scabs. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it soothes the scalp irritated. Put two mugs of water over a few Indian Lilac leaves and leave it a little, Apply the wet leaves directly to the affected area, add a little coconut oil and massage the scalp. You can apply this remedy every day.
All in all, there are lots of remedies. We have just Top 11 Remedies for scabs on the scalp that inevitably will help you!