How good is cypress oil? The cypress oil is among the few essential oils that we think about when it comes to our health.
Famous since the time of Hippocrates, cypress oil was then used to treat internal infections and stop bleeding. First of all, we will talk about the properties of this essential oil and how beneficial it is for our body. The properties of this oil:
- antiseptic,
- hemostatic
- balanced nervous,
- sedative
- welder
- tonic of the lymphatic system,
- antispasmodic
- diuretic,
- vasoconstrictive,
- astringent,
- respiratory stimulant
- regulates perspiration.
In this article, you will find out how many benefits it has and how to improve your health with this essential oil.
A powerful antiseptic, cypress oil, treat internal or external wounds, also used in antiseptic lotions or creams. Due to its use in deodorants to regulate perspiration, it treats people suffering from excessive sweating.
Even more, cypress oil treats cuperosis, arthritis, and cellulitis. As I said above, it’s like a sedative. When used to flavor a room, it induces a calming effect on the mind and body, thus eliminating the state of anxiety.
Above all, this oil helps to reduce a traumatic shock if it has happened as a person to go through a trauma. Essential oil soothes powerful emotions during periods of significant change in our lives. It is also helpful when we prepare to do something, for example, to lose some weight.
Inhaling the smell of this essential oil will make us feel stable and full of energy. Balancing the nervous system, cypress oil plays a critical role in the lack of concentration and makes us feel confident.
Secondly, by using it as a massage oil, it helps to cut toxins, drainage of the lymph, kidney cleansing, improving digestion, cellulite removal, and weight loss. By massing the problem areas with cypress oil, they will improve significantly. Cypress oil is found in the pure state, combined with other oils or pressed at different temperatures. In addition to this, I suggest you choose the essential oil pressed cold in a bottle, not in plastic. The benefits of this oil are many, so read on to learn how good is the essential oil.
Thirdly, this oil ha in hair care and cosmetics. As for hair, cypress oil acts in the hair follicle and strengthens its root. On the other hand, it can even treat acne in a more manageable form. Added in mouthwash, strengthens the gums, and the state of redness and swelling will disappear.
To sum up, all the things that I said above, this essential oil is beneficial in everything that matters to our health. So below, you will see the benefits for physically and mentally, but also how you can use it.
You can use the cypress oil just diluted! Do not use it directly on the skin, only combined with other ingredients for hair masks or cosmetics.
Above we talked about mental health, here, you will have some benefits in terms of physical appearance, more briefly: how to improve your health with cypress oil.
It is relaxing strained muscles. It helps to relax the strained muscles, as I was saying in an article that stress represents a cause of back pain, as well as strained muscles, can result from stress.
Disinfection of the airways. Breathing problems are common; people who have issues of this kind can also suffer from anxiety. Inhalation of this oil is beneficial to the body but also relieves the nervous system.
Tired joints are also treated with cypress oil. Apply in the affected area and massage lightly. Its properties vasoconstricts the joints and muscles a revitalizing state.
Energizes the entire body. Have you decided to go running and still have no energy? This oil also helps you here. Apply before running on legs and soles.
Acne can reduce with this essential. Add two drops of cypress oil in the tonic lotion or face cream, then use it regularly.
Reduces skin irritation and prevents infection. Powerful antiseptic, cypress oil also treats light irritations.
It Reduces cellulite. As I said above, this oil diluted with other oils or citrus treat various diseases, such as cellulite.
Helps to adjust the menstrual cycle. If during your menstruation you have abnormal bleeding, cypress oil is beneficial. Due to its hemostatic property, it stops bleeding excessively. Not only abnormal bleeding from the menstrual cycle, but cypress oil can heal external bleeding.
You can use cypress oil in different circumstances, and everything depends on what affections you want to treat.
Use Cypress oil on the skin, diluted with another oil or citrus, for revitalizing blood circulation, vaporized in the room, added to body lotions or face lotions, even in hair shampoos, added to bathwater to relax the nervous system.
Notably, combine the oil with lime, orange, bergamot, lemon, sage, lavender, pine, incense, rosemary or marjoram juice, all of which have properties for treating various diseases.
Even though this essential oil is beneficial to our health, we must also reflect on its precautions, being a potent oil. For skin, you need to perform a sensitivity test before applying it. Put two drops of cypress oil and one tablespoon of vegetable oil on the elbow. Wait 48 hours and see if there is an adverse reaction. You should not use this oil during pregnancy!
The essential oil has a lot of benefits for our health, and this article on how to improve your health with cypress oil shows how you can use it. Stay with us to find out about other treatments with natural ingredients!